Unable to Get <Details> to Expand

Also attempted this here: http://try.discourse.org/t/testing-details-tags/340

Am I doing something wrong? This format worked fine before. Same problem persists on our Discourse install. This began after 1.5, although not immediately. A few topics I made after 1.5 had details working properly but soon after, not working at all.

I know that <details> plugin is now bundled with 1.5. We also have:

  • Babble 0.12.3
  • Discourse bb color code 0.1
  • Spoiler Alert 0.3

I temporarily disabled Babble. I didn’t think it would result in any difference, but worth a try. This effected no change.


Hmm possible, it seems to repro on try, can you have a look @zogstrip? Will need backporting if it checks out.

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Just pushed a fix :melon:
