I’ve got a plugin that needs to seed some groups.
Following, How to add new webhooks and customize webhook payload , in plugin.rb
I have
SeedFu.fixture_paths << Rails.root.join("plugins", "discourse-pfaffmanager", "db", "fixtures").to_s
I have stuff like this in db/fixtures/001_create_pfaffmanager_groups
Group.seed do |g|
g.name = SiteSetting.pfaffmanager_ec2_pro_server_group
g.visibility_level = Group.visibility_levels[:owners]
If I run a ./bin/rake db:migrate
it does what I expect, but when I run the specs I get
# ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "index_groups_on_name"
So it seems like the specs want to run and re-run these seeds? That doesn’t make sense, as if I re-run the migration, they don’t cause errors then.
Maybe I should move those specs into spec/fixtures
and have the plugin create those groups on startup? Is that best practice? I think I like the idea of having those groups getting created on migration better than asserting them with Group.find_or_create_by
on every plugin startup, but that’s working.
Also, ./bin/rake db:drop db:create db:migrate
seems to create the test database, but isn’t doing the migrations unless I do a RAILS_DB=test ./bin/rake db:migrate
is that expected? I thought it would do those migrations.
Now I’m even more confused, even after the above migrate of the test db, I get
PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: relation "groups" does not exist
LINE 8: WHERE a.attrelid = '"groups"'::regclass
And I see stuff like this in from when I ran the migrate:
-- execute("UPDATE groups\nSET flair_icon = 'fab-youtube'\nWHERE flair_icon = 'youtube-play' OR flair_icon = 'fa-youtube-play'\n")
Well, I did a
./bin/rake db:test:prepare
and that fixed it, but I don’t remember having to do that before.