Unformatted Code Detector warning even when the post *does* use formatting blocks

Are you posting code?

Yes… I am… and yes, I’m using code blocks.

This warning should not show when the user is already using the blocks.

Here is more or less what my post was:

The change is:

  • adding back the snaffle cityscape turpentine template to dragonshadow & dragonshadowstaging

  • removing the ENV override for dragonshadow

  • refreshing the container configuration so it picks up the new ENV

  • ensuring it’s being used properly
    if you check redis keys for dragon- or snaffle- keys that confirms it’s being used

    [1] pry(main)> Discourse.redis.without_namespace.keys('*snaffle*')
    => ["snaffle:::tamarack_kitchissippi/bilbo",

Beware the ring.