Unstiffening the tag system...?

Hey, guys! Hope you’re doing fine :slight_smile:

I’ve been thinking about the tag system and its stiffness (despite it being powerful).

Wouldn’t it be great if, instead of blocking the usage of certain tags in different categories, we had the option to suggest certain groups of tags for the user, but also allow them to use tags from other groups, just in case it makes sense?

This wouldn’t end the admin’s ability to actually block the usage of some tags in some categories, just a nice new possibility for forums that don’t have that great rigidity between smaller (tags) and larger themes (categories).



Isn’t this just the default tag system? Just don’t block any tags then no one needs to be “suggested” anything they can use whatever they want. It sounds like you’re trying to work backwards from not allowing>allowing, but the default action is already allowing nothing else is required?

I feel like I must not be understanding what function you’re actually suggesting though

I find that my users would benefit from suggested tags.

For example, I want to encourage (not force) them to use one tag from a group, and allow them to use tags from other groups (or ungrouped) with only a little friction.

At present, it is a bit of an all or nothing thing. I’d like a ‘softer’ middle ground, which is what I believe @Renato_Mendes is outlining.

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You perfectly understood what I meant, Nathan! Does it make more sense to you now, @Kartoon?

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