Update to Require Category Copy

Currently, the Require Category Copy is “You must select a category before typing here”.

See details on Require category selection before writing topic

I suggest adding tips on how to select a category.

Perhaps by including an arrow image like this is enough.

At minimum, I suggest keeping the highlight on the category selection menu if someone clicks on the compose box.

is a lot better than

Finally, I’d love the copy to be friendlier as well. Perhaps having

Select a category before typing here.

is sufficient. I especially like that it’s an action, instead of simply information.


Oh you completely had me at less words. I’ll make it so!

You must Select a category before typing here.

Focus wise I am not sure that is up to @joffreyjaffeux


Wonderful! What do you think about having an arrow, too, or keeping the category drop-down menu highlighted even when someone clicks on the compose window?

Select a category before typing here.

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It’s possible to add a unicode arrow but that feels a bit much to me

↑ Select a category before typing here.

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This is the part that you might think about @joffreyjaffeux but it is relatively minor


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