User Profile Hidden in API after 3.4.0.beta3 Update

I pull user profile data via Discourse API with the Python requests module.

After my Discourse instance update to 3.4.0.beta3, certain users are shown as 'profile_hidden': True when I make the API request, even though their “hide my public profile and presence features” setting is disabled.

I suspect it has to do with the update of Restricting profile visibility of low Trust level users.

How do I continue to pull user data via Discourse API? Is there a way in my API request to tell the Discourse server that I am an admin, not an anonymous user? Typing /u/{username}.json in the browser still shows all the information of the user.

Thank you! :pray:

Using API-keys, your python code can access the server as any user: Create and configure an API key


When you generate the API key just make sure to select Global in Scope and it will do the work.

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