User Response Times

:information_source: Summary Shows response time on user card
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This plugin determines how long a user usually takes to respond to their PM’s and shows that on their user card.


The response times are recalculated on a daily basis and are based on the time a user takes to respond to their PMs over a certain time interval. Admin users are excluded.


Setting What it does
user response times mode Determines the algorithm used. Either percentile or average. Default percentile.
user response times percentile Used with mode percentile. Determines the percentile used in the calculation. Range 1-100. 100 is the maximum response time. 50 is the median. Recommended (and default) value is 80.
user response times days The number of days that the calculation looks back. Default 60.

When you change these values you need to manually trigger the Jobs::UpdateResponseTimes job (or wait up to 24 hours).