Using service objects in Discourse


A service is a small object that encompasses business logic for a given action.
From outside, it should be seen as a sort of black box. You provide it with parameters, it runs (including all the side effects it can trigger), and then it returns a result object describing the outcome of the action.

You can think of a service as a conductor of an orchestra, it organizes how things are done and not necessarily does them by itself.

A service object has a functional flow control using steps and while it holds no state between executions, during an execution all state between steps is maintained in its context object.
Everything that happens for a business action will be done in the service, let it be by using specialized steps, custom methods or delegating things to other objects.

Our service concepts are heavily inspired by Trailblazer 2.0, dry-transaction and to a lesser extent interactor.


The most common place where to use a service object is in a controller action. A controller action is usually a point of entry for dedicated business logic, but it’s not always clear where to put that logic. Of course, it can stay in the controller action, that’s what a lot of Rails apps do, but then it tends to grow and repeat the same processes over and over. Sometimes part of that logic can be extracted into models, and that’s fine, but it can lead to what’s called fat models where a model starts handling way more things than it should.

That’s a typical case where a service object comes in handy: you describe what the business logic is step by step (fetching models, checking permissions, and so on) and then you can take action depending on the outcome in a very simple way. All the error handling is done for you inside the service, and you can match its outcome in a very deterministic way. Input parameters are validated using a dedicated object called a contract and when a step fails, the service stops. That means that if a step runs, every previous step was successful.

It doesn’t mean every situation should be handled by a service. A service encapsulates business logic for a given action, and is encouraged to rely on specialized objects. So it won’t replace models or libraries, for example. As said before, it really shines when used in a controller action, but it can be used anywhere. A background job is another good example.

Another benefit immediately available with services, is that since all the logic related to a business action is encapsulated in it, you can call it from anywhere (console, SDK, controllers, specs, etc.) and you’ll always get the same outcome.

It’s also quite easy to understand what’s happening in a service at a glance, since all the steps are listed sequentially. There’s also a matching system to handle the possible outcomes in a deterministic way, here again you can understand at a glance what a controller will do, for example.

Getting started

Here’s a simplified service to update a user’s username which demonstrates most available steps:

class User::UpdateUsername
  include Service::Base

  params do
    attribute :id, :integer
    attribute :username, :string

    validates :id, presence: true
    validates :username, presence: true, format: { with: /\A[a-zA-Z0-9]+\z/ }

  model :user
  policy :can_update_username

  transaction do
    step :update
    step :log


  def fetch_user(params:)

  def can_update_username(guardian:, user:)

  def update(params:, user:)
    user.update!(username: params.username)

  def log(guardian:, user:)

And here is an example on how you could call such a service: {id: 1, username: "username"}, guardian:

Without knowing how services work, you can probably guess what’s happening here. Let’s dive in.


What’s a step?

This is the basic unit of a service. There is a generic one (step) and specialized ones (params, model, etc.), and they’re all steps.

Steps are defined in the order they will be called. Each step will call a corresponding method and, depending on its return value, will continue or halt the execution of the service. Most steps rely on returning a value, and not raising an exception (otherwise, you’ll break the execution flow).

The immediate benefit is that error handling is done for you, and you don’t have to implement any specific logic in the service itself. We’ll see later how to handle errors.

:warning: As said above, a step shouldn’t raise an exception, as this will not be handled automatically for you by the service. If a service raises an exception, it should be treated as a bug. If you need to call a piece of code that might raise an exception under expected usage, then you should use the try step to wrap the steps that could raise.

Let’s see what steps are available and how to use them.


This is the generic step, you provide a name, and it will run the defined method of the same name. The return value of this step doesn’t impact the execution flow. To mark the service as failed in a generic step, you have to call #fail! explicitly.


This specialized step helps to remove some boilerplate when dealing with models. By default, it will execute the method named fetch_<name>. In the above example, you can see we name our model :user and the corresponding method is named fetch_user.

Here, you can fetch (or instantiate) a model as you see fit. If the step returns a falsy value, then the execution flow will stop here. If an ActiveRecord model is returned, it will call #invalid? on it to determine whether the model is valid. If not, the execution flow will stop.

This step is also compatible with collections: if a collection is fetched but empty, the execution flow will stop.

You can also provide an ActiveRecord relation. The step won’t load records but will determine if the relation will return any records. If there are none, the execution flow will stop.

Sometimes, you need to fetch a model (or a collection of models), but it’s ok if it’s empty. For those cases, you can use the optional: true option allowing the execution flow to continue even if the model returns a falsy value.


This step will execute the method of the same name. You can put arbitrary code here, and the execution flow will stop if the return value is falsy.

Usually, a policy is related to some state on one of the service models and/or to the current user (if any).


This is one of the most powerful steps. Its main purpose is to validate the incoming data before feeding it to the models and to the service at a more global level. This is actually ActiveModel validations but applied to the incoming parameters.

This step will run coercions and validations defined in the provided block. If the underlying contract isn’t valid (at least one validation failed), then the execution flow will stop.


This step is a bit special, as it will wrap any other steps defined in its block inside a SQL transaction.


This step will catch exceptions raised by the steps defined in its block. Specific exception classes can be provided if you don’t want to automatically catch all exceptions.


This step uses DistributedMutex under the hood to create a lock around the steps defined in its block. This is useful when race conditions can happen.


This step is another special one, as it’s similar to a contract (without the validations part), but for options your service can take. This is useful if you need to change your service behavior depending on certain conditions. Also, that step can’t fail.

Steps arguments

Each step is called with the service context. To access a value in it, just provide its key as a keyword argument.

The context object

The only state a service maintains is its context object. This is where each step can put data to be used by other steps. Most of the time, you don’t need to access the context directly, as specialized steps (such as params, model or options) will store the proper data for you. But sometimes it’s necessary (even if uncommon). In those cases, it’s just a matter of using the context like you would with a hash:

def first_step
  context[:my_special_key] = "My special value"


# Then in a later step, you can use it like any other key from the context
def another_step(my_special_key:)
  # do something with `my_special_key`

Handling service results

Once a service has been called, it will return a result object, to know whether the call was a success. In the case of a failure, the result object can be inspected to know what failed and why.

Each step will store its outcome in the result object, accessible through special keys (like result.model.user for example). While this is nice, this would be tedious to manually check the result object. That’s why there’s a built-in feature allowing to run the service, match step outcomes and act upon results using a custom DSL.

This feature makes the use of a service a breeze. Continuing with our User::UpdateUsername service, this is how we could use it inside a controller (but it can work anywhere, not just in controllers):

def update do |result|
    on_success { |user:| render(json: success_json.merge(new_username: user.username)) }
    on_failure { render(json: failed_json, status: 422) }
    on_failed_contract { |contract| render(json: failed_json.merge(errors: contract.errors.full_messages), status: 400) }
    on_model_not_found(:user) { raise Discourse::NotFound }
    on_failed_policy(:can_update_username) { raise }

Passing a block to .call allows to “match” an outcome, a bit like if we were using pattern matching. There are two generic matchers (on_success and on_failure) and each specialized step has at least one dedicated matcher. The complete detailed list is available in the API section.

:bulb: on_failure is like a catch-all rule, it will match only if the service fails and no other more specialized matcher matches.

This declarative way helps decoupling what is handled by the caller (here a controller) from what is handled by the service.


To simplify testing, custom RSpec matchers have been added. It’s also considered a best practice to always follow the same structure. Remember to test the caller class too. If your service is called from a controller, for example, that controller should be tested with a request spec. Following the various outcome blocks will help to know what to test. Here is how we could test our User::UpdateUsername service:

RSpec.describe User::UpdateUsername do
  describe described_class::Contract, type: :model do
    it { validate_presence_of(:id) }
    it { validate_presence_of(:username) }
    it do allow_values("0userName", "USERNAME", "username", "21421341").for(:username)
    it { is_expected.not_to allow_values("invalid-username").for(:username) }

  describe ".call" do
    subject(:result) {, **dependencies) }

    let(:params) { { username:, id: user_id } }
    let(:dependencies) { { guardian: } }
    let(:guardian) { }
    let(:username) { "NewUsername" }
    let(:user_id) { }

    context "when contract isn’t valid" do
      let(:username) { "----" }

      it { fail_a_contract }

    context "when model is not found" do
      let(:user_id) { 0 }

      it { fail_to_find_a_model(:user) }

    context "when current user cannot update user's username" do
      let(:guardian) { }

      it { fail_a_policy(:can_update_username) }

    context "when everything’s ok" do
      it { run_successfully }

      it "updates user's username" do
        expect { result }.to change { user.reload.username }.to(username)

      it "logs the action" do
        expect { result }.to change { UserHistory.count }.by(1)

First, and because a contract is present, we test it using a dedicated describe block. Since a contract uses ActiveModel under the hood, the simplest way to test it is to use Shoulda Matchers.

Then, we use a describe block for the .call method, which is how the service is run. We’re using a context for each possible branching. It’s quite easy as we just have to follow the steps we defined in the service. You can see we’re not testing all the possible values to have the contract fail: that’s because it’s tested extensively above, so here we’re just ensuring the params step is properly called and if a bad value is provided, then it will stop the execution of the service.
For the other steps, if they can fail, then they should have a context using a dedicated matcher.

The run_successfully matcher ensures the service succeeded (result.success? is true) and will provide some debugging information if that’s not the case.

In the event of a matcher failing, it will output details about the result object to help debugging things:


  1) when current user cannot update user's username is expected to fail a policy named 'can_update_username'
     Failure/Error: it { fail_a_policy(:can_update_username) }

       Expected policy 'can_update_username' (key: 'result.policy.can_update_username') to fail but it succeeded.

       Inspecting User::UpdateUsername result object:

       [1/6] [params] default (0.1152 ms) âś…
       [2/6] [model] user (1.7147 ms) âś…
       [3/6] [policy] can_update_username (0.0093 ms) ✅ ⚠️  <= expected to return false but got true instead
       [4/6] [transaction] (2.5952 ms)
       [5/6]   [step] update (2.4038 ms) âś…
       [6/6]   [step] log (0.0054 ms) âś…
     # ./spec/services/update_username_spec.rb:39:in `block (6 levels) in <main>'
     # ./spec/rails_helper.rb:497:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
     # /home/discourse/.bundle/gems/ruby/3.3.0/gems/webmock-3.23.1/lib/webmock/rspec.rb:39:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'

Available matchers


This matcher expects a policy named name to fail.


This matcher expects the service contract to be invalid.


This matcher expects a model step named name to not find its model.


This matcher expects a model step named name to find its model, but that model should be invalid.


This matcher expects the try step to have caught an exception. A specific exception class can be provided.


This matcher expects a step named name to fail.


This matcher expects the service to succeed.



params(name = :default, default_values_from: nil, &block)


  • name: the name of the contract, in the case there is more than one. Defaults to default.
  • default_values_from: name of a model to use to pre-fill the contract values. This is useful when you want some values of a model to be updated through a contract while applying other default values. A real-world example is available in the Chat::UpdateChannel service.
  • block: the block containing all the validations, attribute definitions, etc.

This step declares the use of a contract to validate input parameters. Parameters provided to the service will be passed to the contract if their name matches the attributes defined in the contract.

Under the hood, a class for the contract will be automatically created, allowing easy testing. The default contract will result in Contract, otherwise it will prepend the name used for the contract (for params(:user_avatar), this will give UserAvatarContract).

If the contract is invalid, it will stop the execution of the service. Its result object can be inspected by accessing the result.contract.<name> key of the main result object. The contract result object exposes two keys:

  • errors: the errors returned by the contract.
  • parameters: the raw parameters provided to the contract before any coercion happens.



  • block: the block containing the option definitions.

This steps is used to define options that can be provided to the service to change its behavior. The syntax to define an option is the same as the one used for contracts, but it has no validations. A good example can be found in the Chat::CreateMessage service.

This step cannot fail.

model(name = :model, step_name = :"fetch_#{name}", optional: false)


  • name: the name of the model. Defaults to model.
  • step_name: the name of the method to call for this step. For example, when instantiating a new model, we could use instantiate_model. Defaults to fetch_<model_name>.
  • optional: if the model is marked as optional, the step won’t fail if the model isn’t found. Defaults to false.

This step helps to remove some boilerplate when fetching/instantiating models or a collection of models. A model can be pretty much anything (not only ActiveRecord models), being a single object or a collection. The result of the step will be stored in the context as name (so, by default, it would be context[:model]).

The step will fail if the model is nil, empty or invalid (in the case of an ActiveRecord object). Its result object can be inspected by accessing the result.model.<name> key of the main result object. The model result object exposes one or two keys:

  • invalid: will be true if the model has been found but is invalid.
  • not_found: will be true if the model was not found.
  • exception: the exception that made the model not found.

policy(name = :default, class_name: nil)


  • name: the name of the policy. Defaults to default.
  • class_name: a policy class to implement the logic instead of defining the step in the service. Defaults to nil.

This step declares the use of a policy. A policy is just arbitrary code, and the step will fail if the policy result is falsy.
If you have a rather complex policy, it’s better to use a policy class. It needs to inherit from Service::PolicyBase and implement #call and #reason as using a policy class allows explaining in more details why the policy failed through the use of the #reason method. A complete example can be found in the Chat::DirectMessageChannel::Policy::MaxUsersExcess class used by the Chat::CreateDirectMessageChannel service.

The step will fail if the policy returns a falsy value. Its result object can be inspected by accessing the result.policy.<name> key of the main result object. The policy result object exposes one key:

  • reason: the reason why the policy failed if a policy class was used.


This step is a bit special as its only purpose is to wrap other steps inside a SQL transaction. It cannot fail by itself.

try(*exceptions, &block)


  • exceptions: one or more exception classes to catch. Not providing any class is equivalent to provide StandardError.
  • block: a block containing other steps.

This step wraps other steps. If any of the wrapped steps raises an exception, the try step will catch it and fail, which will halt the execution flow.

lock(*keys, &block)


  • keys: one or more keys to provide the lock with an unique ID.
  • block: a block containing other steps.

This step wraps other steps. If the lock can’t be acquired for any reason, the execution flow will be halted.

The keys provided are matched against the params object of the service. The corresponding values are used to provide the underlying lock with a unique name. For example, if the provided key is user_id and its value is 1, then the resulting lock name will be user_id:1, so if the same service is called with 2 as the user_id value, it will not wait on the first lock.



  • name: the name of the step.

This is a generic step, to execute arbitrary code. A generic step won’t ever fail by itself, no matter what its return value is. If you need to mark a step as failed, you should use the #fail! method.

A generic step has a result object, even if by default it exposes nothing. It can be accessed with the result.step.<name> key of the main result object.

Helper available inside a step



  • message: the error message to set on the result object.

This method can be used to mark a generic step as failed. The result object is accessible at result.step.<step_name> and exposes an error key.

The context object

This context object is available inside a step as context or as the return value of a service.


Returns true if the context is set as successful (this is the default).


Returns true if the context is set as failed.

fail!(context = {})


  • context: the context to merge into the current one.

Marks the context as failed and raises a Service::Base::Failure exception.

fail(context = {})


  • context: the context to merge into the current one.

Marks the context as failed without raising an exception.

Calling a service with a block

The block form of .call can be used anywhere (a controller action, a job, another class, etc.). The provided actions will be evaluated in the order they appear, and the execution will stop at the first responder. The only exception to this is on_failure as it will always be executed last.

.call(context = {}, &actions)


  • context: the initial context to provide to the service. If the service is called from a controller, you can use the service_params helper which will return params and the guardian object.
  • actions: the block containing the steps to match on.

Example**service_params, extra_dependency: my_dependency) do |result|
  on_success { |my_model:| do_something(my_model) }
  on_failure { handle_generic_failure }

If you need to access the result object, it’s available as the first object passed to the main block (see example above). Each outcome block can match keys from the context (exactly as you do when writing step definitions) independently from what object is passed to the block.
For example, it means that with the on_failed_contract matcher, you could access a previously fetched model while using the provided contract as the first argument. It would be done like this:

on_failed_contract { |contract, my_model:| do_something(contract, my_model) }

You could do all this by only using the result object, but it’s a bit nicer this way (and will ensure the key you’re trying to access actually exists).


Will execute the provided block if the service succeeds.


Will execute the provided block if the service fails.



  • name: the name of the step to match.

Will execute the provided block if the step named name fails. It also provides the step result object as the first argument of the block.

on_failed_policy(name = "default")


  • name: the name of the policy to match. Defaults to default.

Will execute the provided block if the policy named name fails. It also provides the policy result object as the first argument of the block.

on_failed_contract(name = "default")


  • name: the name of the contract to match. Defaults to default.

Will execute the provided block if the contract named name is invalid. It also provides the contract result object as the first argument of the block.

on_model_not_found(name = "model")


  • name: the name of the model to match. Defaults to model.

Will execute the provided block if the model named name is not present. It also provides the model result object as the first argument of the block.

on_model_errors(name = "model")


  • name: the name of the model to match. Defaults to model.

Will execute the provided block if the model named name contains validation errors. It also provides the actual model as the first argument of the block.



  • exceptions: zero or more exception classes that can be caught by a try step.

Will execute the provided block if a try step failed by catching one of the provided exception classes. If no class is provided, then the block will be executed if a try step caught any exception. It also provides the actual exception as the first argument of the block.



  • keys: the keys used by the lock to match.

Will execute the provided block if the lock step failed.


The main purpose of a contract is to validate the incoming data before feeding it to the models and to the service at a more global level. The important part being validating user input (typically coming from params in a controller, and services expect to access those parameters through the params key of their context).

A contract is actually an ActiveModel object, so all the API of the latter is available. Anyway, let’s see how to define and use a contract inside a service.

To define a service contract, just call params and open a block:

params do
  attribute :id, :integer
  attribute :username, :string

  validates :id, presence: true
  validates :username, presence: true, format: { with: /\A[a-zA-Z0-9]+\z/ }

Here, all the API from ActiveModel is available. In this example, we define we want to validate two attributes, id and username with their respective cast type (integer and string).

:bulb: Use cast types extensively as they’ll provide you with proper objects before any validation happens.

Rails ships with cast types for big_integer, binary, boolean, date, datetime, decimal, float, immutable_string, integer, string and time.
Custom cast types can be defined, we ship one: array.

:person_gesturing_no: Don’t define attributes if you don’t transform them or validate them. The primary purpose of a contract is to validate data, it can also be used to cast or massage data before using it (usually a contract does both).

Then, we define validations, exactly like you would in an ActiveRecord model. Here, we’re checking for id and username not being blank and that username respects an expected format.

Another thing that is available in a contract, since it’s an ActiveModel object, are validation callbacks. If you need to manipulate the attribute values, you can do so by calling before_validation or after_validation. There are examples in the codebase, like in the Chat::CreateCategoryChannel service.

:warning: Once run by the service, a contract is frozen and you can’t modify its attributes. If you need to do some processing on its values, you can do it directly inside the contract itself.

Some methods have been added to the contract object to make your life a bit easier when dealing with model updates and things like that:

  • #slice and #merge are available.
  • #to_hash has been implemented, so the contract object will be automatically cast as a hash by Ruby depending on the context. For example, with an ActiveRecord model, you can do this: user.update(**params).


Parameters provided to the service through the params key are accessible like params.my_param (not params[:my_param]). Parameters are available even if they’re not processed by a contract.

Policy objects

When a policy starts becoming complex or when you’d like to provide more context on why it can fail, then it’s time to use a policy object instead of a simple policy.

It’s quite easy to create a new policy object, let’s take the can_update_username policy we have in the User::UpdateUsername service and convert it:

class User::Policy::CanUpdateUsername < Service::PolicyBase
  delegate :user, to: :context, private: true

  def call

  def reason
    # Here we can put more complex logic to dynamically output a reason, this is just an example
    I18n.t("cannot_edit_username", username: user.username)

There are some rules to keep in mind when writing a policy object:

  • It must inherit from Service::PolicyBase.
  • It must define two methods: #call and #reason.
  • The context object is automatically injected in the policy, and is available by calling #context (like in a service).
  • The guardian object is also automatically available as #guardian.
  • By convention, it should be namespaced under its concept followed by the Policy namespace: for our current example, it means User::Policy:: which maps to app/services/user/policy/ on the filesystem.

:bulb: To keep things short and clear, feel free to use delegate extensively.

Then, when you want to use it in a service, just write your step like this:

policy :can_update_username, class_name: User::Policy::CanUpdateUsername


When a step starts becoming too complex, like it has too many branching statements for example, then it’s time to extract all that logic to a dedicated class. That logic could live in a model for instance, but when in doubt, just create a new action.

An action is just a small class that responds to a .call method by convention. What happens inside is up to you. The idea, however, is to execute an action (hence the name) with minimal overhead. It means an action should not validate data, for example. It should be called with valid objects only, thus being able to work with them right away. It also means that an action should not fail. You can think of an action as a bare-bones service without all the bells and whistles. Also, an action can be reused by different services.

Here again, it’s relatively simple to create a new action. Let’s take as an example our log step:

class User::Action::LogUsernameChange < Service::ActionBase
  option :actor
  option :user

  def call

Of course, this is a very basic example, you can do more complex things in an action. A real-world example can be found in User::Action::TriggerPostAction.
Service::ActionBase comes with Dry::Initializer which provides a nice mini-DSL:

  • Use option :my_arg to declare a required keyword argument named my_arg.
  • Use optional: true to declare the argument optional (for instance, option :my_arg, optional: true).

You should not need anything more than that to work with an action, but if you want to use some advanced features of dry-initializer (like coercion), just take a look at their docs.

Some rules to keep in mind when writing an action:

  • It must inherit from Service::ActionBase.
  • It must define one method: #call.
  • You should prefer option over param to define arguments, as it’s a bit more self-documenting on the caller side. It also allows you to use the hash shorthand syntax.
  • By convention, it should be namespaced under its concept followed by the Action namespace: for our current example, it means User::Action:: which maps to app/services/user/action/ on the filesystem.

:bulb: To keep things short and clear, feel free to use delegate extensively.

Then, when you want to use it in a service, just write your step like this:

def log(guardian:, user:) guardian.user, user:)

Best practices and guidelines

  • Use namespaces for concepts. Most of the time, a model name is a business concept.
  • Name services using a verb, describing the action (CreateUser not UserCreator).
  • Don’t repeat the concept name in the service name (User::Create is easily understandable, no need for User::CreateUser).
  • If your service receives parameters, they should be validated through the params step.
  • Don’t put too much logic in a step. If logic becomes complex, prefer to use an action instead. It’s better to offload complex logic to an action, as it will simplify the reasoning and the testing.
  • Don’t inject models into services. Only dependencies (like a guardian, or input parameters) should be injected. Models are expected to be fetched inside the service and have their error handled by the model step.
  • Use a policy object when a policy logic becomes relatively complex and/or if you need to expose a custom reason why that policy failed. It could be a dynamic reason or simply because building the reason needs some dedicated logic.
  • A good rule of thumb is to extract any logic that becomes relatively complex into dedicated objects. They can be models, PORO, actions, etc. Just don’t try to always pack everything into the service itself.
  • Likewise, avoid utility methods in a service. A service should only have step definitions. If some processing is needed, then it can probably be done in a contract, an action or extracted somewhere else.
  • If an action is pretty complex (it has a lot of edge cases or several branching statements, for example), test it in isolation instead of testing it directly in the service specs. Then in the service specs, just ensure that action is properly called.
  • When defining a method for a step, don’t provide default parameters, the framework won’t allow it. If you need a default value for something, it’s probably best to declare it in a contract.
  • Try to follow the steps order when writing your methods or your tests.


The main tool to help debugging a service is the steps inspector. However, it’s not a live debugging tool, as it inspects the result object once the service has run.

Steps Inspector

This small tool is very useful to debug the outcome of a service. The Service::StepsInspector class is not meant to be used directly, as there’s a shortcut available directly on any result object.
Call #inspect_steps on a result object, and it will output all the steps of the service with their current state. This is how it looks like for the User::UpdateUsername service we’re using in our examples:

Inspecting User::UpdateUsername result object:

[1/6] [params] default (0.3581 ms) âś…
[2/6] [model] user (68.9291 ms) âś…
[3/6] [policy] can_update_username ❌

(3 more steps not shown as the execution flow was stopped before reaching them)

Here we can see each step is numbered to track the execution order easily. Then the type of the step is outputted, followed by its name and how much time the step took to run. Finally, there’s either a checkmark or a cross, depending on the step outcome.

So, we can see the can_update_username policy failed, and since it’s a simple policy it’s easy to see that the problem lies with the user not having enough permissions (through guardian).
The policy is defined as:

def can_update_username(guardian:, user:)

In the case of a more complex result object, like with a contract, the steps inspector provides the error from the failing step.
Let’s say we call our User::UpdateUsername service without providing any parameters. It would then fail at the params step.
The inspector now outputs this:

Inspecting User::UpdateUsername result object:

[1/6] [params] default ❌

(5 more steps not shown as the execution flow was stopped before reaching them)

Why it failed:

#<ActiveModel::Errors [#<ActiveModel::Error attribute=id, type=blank, options={}>, #<ActiveModel::Error attribute=username, type=blank, options={}>, #<ActiveModel::Error attribute=username, type=invalid, options={:value=>nil}>]>

Provided parameters: {"id"=>nil, "username"=>nil}

Here we can see ActiveModel errors, telling us id and username were blank. The provided parameters are also outputted to help debugging.

Here’s a recap of what errors will be outputted for the different steps:

  • model: when the model is an ActiveRecord one, it outputs its validation errors. Otherwise, it outputs the reason why it failed, probably a Model not found error.
  • params: outputs the validation errors followed by the provided parameters.
  • policy: doesn’t output anything for a simple policy. When a policy object is used, then it outputs its reason.
  • try: outputs the exception caught by try.
  • lock: outputs the lock wasn’t acquired and provides the lock name.
  • step: outputs the message provided to fail!.

Live debugging

We don’t have a live debugging tool (yet), but it’s not that hard to make sense of what’s happening in a service.

The simplest thing to do is to put a binding.pry statement inside any step you want to inspect. It’s just a method, so you’ll have access to its parameters and to the context object. To inspect it, you can call #to_h on it and see what keys and values it holds.
Remember, if your pry session doesn’t open, it means a step before the one you’re trying to inspect failed.

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