(Sam Saffron)
August 23, 2017, 3:25pm
Fastly does standard origin pull, you don’t need to fuss with Varnish. We have already 2 howtos that cover this depending on your level of adventure/pain.
So you’d like to use a CDN to speed up worldwide access to common assets on your Discourse forum? You might want to go all-in and Set up file and image uploads to S3 (see also Configure an S3 compatible object storage provider for uploads ).
If you want a CDN without the added complexity of S3 and having two CDNs, this is the guide for you. The CDN will reduce some load on your server by letting the CDN serve those assets so that the server doesn’t have to. It also can speed things up by deliver…
Fastly , CloudFlare and a few other CDNs offer a mode where they accelerate dynamic content.
In a nutshell you point your domain IP address at the CDN and the CDN will intelligently decide how to deal with the request.
Static content can be easily served from cache
Dynamic content can be routed to the site.
This provides some advantages over only shipping static assets which is covered in the CDN howto .
You can elect for “shielding ” that protects your site from traffic spikes.
Dynamic cont… is configured using “full site CDN acceleration”