Video Upload to YouTube and Vimeo using Theme Component

I didn’t try since then.

This seems to be broken as of now for YouTube uploads.

  "error": "idpiframe_initialization_failed"
  "details": "You have created a new client application that uses libraries for user authentication or authorization that are deprecated. New clients must use the new libraries instead. See the [Migration Guide]( for more information."

And the Migration Guide they link to which states

Google Sign-In JavaScript platform library for Web is set to be deprecated after March 31, 2023. For more details, see the authentication and authorization deprecation announcements. For more information, please see Deprecation and Sunset page.


Is that still an issue that breaks Youtube API use?

I’m stuck on an issue where it thinks I don’t have the origin registered but I can’t see what’s wrong and the answers I’ve found searching the web haven’t worked. I’m going through the Google OAuth2 verification and have asked them to advise.

If the component doesn’t work though I won’t prioritise its inclusion on my forum.

Edit: Working like a charm with Vimeo.


I have contacted the author who has no time to spend on the component. Until further notice, the component is tagged as unmaintained.


I’ve just used this TC successfully with Vimeo for a trial.

However, it is almost certainly now broken due to Upcoming refactoring to Discovery routes: how will it affect my theme/plugin?.

If it is to live again, this would be helpful for tight secure uploads to Vimeo:

  1. Have structured options for the privacy settings
  2. Include the discourse instance URL for the whitelist option of privacy.embed

any bro can update this app?