What about an easier styling/theming system?

If this means being able to change colors rather than override them I’m all for it! :slight_smile: Nice work thus far!

Override in that context means that it’s different than Discourse’s default theme. What do you mean by change?

For example if I set a link color to red then I’d like the CSS that was defining the link color as blue to be changed to say red, rather than have it define a new css rule which simply overrides the color value (this causes issues with CSS transitions, and is overall just messy and error-prone).

Oh, yeah it changes. ie, It writes the variables with the configured values once.

Don’t forget this, please: https://meta.discourse.org/t/how-do-we-customize-embedded-discourse-css/14617

I start to play with Ghost blog with my dark theme and I also need to custom the embedded css stylesheets. http://blog.onaldan.com/avril-2014-turquie-cappadoce/ (at bottom).

The themer is available to use! Give it a try!

Still to do:

  • support for dark themes
  • embedded css
  • a set of sample color schemes

I think the default button colors should also be settable or adjust automatically for enough contrast between them and the background color. With a light greyish background the buttons disappear.

Definitely a good point… I’ll look at the best way to add that. I’ve just recently submitted this PR

Which detects the difference in lightness between the $primary (text etc,) and $secondary (background, etc) variables and adjusts how scale-color functions (this effects borders and a bunch of other minor elements right now). That’s a pretty simple function… buttons could certainly work in a similar way, as outlined in this article about button text.


Well (lots of use of “color:white;”, mixed with everything else being “color:#XXX”). If we h

Thanks, this, along with some other recent improvements, made Discourse customization easier. :slight_smile:

I was wondering if there were other steps planned to the process in the near future to allow more styling customizations?

(The users of my Discourse installation are asking about a per-user theme selection to allow both a “funky” and a “more-suitable-for-furtive-usage-at-work” theme. I can’t do that for the moment, right, it’s one or the other?)

We don’t have any plans for per-user theme selection at the moment. Something like Stylish may be of use?

There are versions for both Firefox and Chrome.

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Thank you - I think most of my users will find a browser plugin to be too cumbersome, but I’ll mention it anyway.

I think we will try to have our resident UX artist create a theme that would meet the needs of most of our userbase.
Are there plans for a Discourse theme repository?

Is it possible to set these values from a plugin yet? That would make this a lot more useful and powerful.

As a suggestion, you should be able to change fonts as well. Preferably from google fonts to make it simple.

Yes, it is possible! Here’s an example of how to do that in a plugin.rb:

register_color_scheme 'Purples', {
  primary: 'EEE0E5',
  secondary: '2E0854',
  tertiary: '4B0082'

The names match the ones in the colors.scss file.