What does the "bundle exec rake autospec" command do?

I am following this guide to setup discourse locally. I am at the part where I execute
bundle exec rake autospec

What does it do and is it going to stop making the green dots?

Running bundle exec rake autospec runs all the tests that are in this folder: https://github.com/discourse/discourse/tree/master/spec

Yes, but depending on your computer’s speed it could take a while. It takes me about 10 minutes to run the tests. Green dots indicate passing tests, so they are always nice to see.

Depending on why you are installing Discourse locally, you might not need to run the test suite. You’ll need to be able to run it if ever send any pull requests to Discourse.


Oh, ok. I am running on a Ubuntu 20.04 64 bit vm. Thanks.

I do still see some fails though. Is that bad? I also see some yellow stars.

It is still going. What should I do @simon?

Autospec is just running the Rails rspec tests. Failed tests are usually not an indicator that anything is wrong in your environment. If you can’t run tests, you likely didn’t set up your dev environment correctly, so that’s why it’s a step in the process.


So what should I do. It’s been running for well over 15 minutes and no even the green dots have stopped coming. I have 8 gb ram.

With 8GB of ram the tests could take a while. If you are getting lots of errors, the issue is probably related to your test environment not being properly setup.

It should be possible to exit the test by pressing your keyboard’s “Enter” button. If that doesn’t work, try using CTRL+C to quit the process.


That worked. Now I am just running the server

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