What has your experience been with badges in your communities?

Hmm, there are really three kind of badges:

  1. “learn the system” badges which are easy to get and bronze. I don’t know if there’s any downside to people doing this – the whole point is to learn how things work, so @name mentioning someone the very first time to “get a badge” is, I think, entirely the objective @Drew_Warwick. You can get these in a single day because they are the alternative to reading the manual, which nobody wants to do, and ain’t nobody gonna not never do nohow.

  2. “keep coming back” badges which are harder to get and silver. These take longer to get, and I doubt anyone who isn’t interested would bother.

  3. “long term contributor” badges which are gold. Good luck gaming these, if you game these then you just became a long term contributor, so… we all won?