When embedding a post into social networks, emojies makes no sense, especially in non-English text

Please take a look at the following screenshot - I’m trying to embed a topic into VK.com, a well-known Russian-speaking social network:

Both in the title and in the topic body, there are text versions of emoji, e.g. [sparkling_heart].

It does not make any sense and it looks weird. Can we remove these text versions of emoji icons, as whenever I embed topics, it really makes no sense, especially for topics in Russian. Also, it spoils the first few sentences, which makes the text not attractive at all.

Hmm, I could see a case for stripping Emoji from the embed content. Did you want to submit a PR for it?

Would happily do, but I’m not familiar with Ruby nor have Discourse dev environment installed to try fixing this.

Another possibility is converting to the proper unicode code point. A lot of stuff these days has native emoji support.


The emoji words are now stripped from slugs as well.

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