Okay, I just don’t want Discourse to be left behind in the dust.
Facebook really does seem extremely serious about the Metaverse. So much so that they’re willing to change the company name to reflect so…
Okay, I just don’t want Discourse to be left behind in the dust.
Facebook really does seem extremely serious about the Metaverse. So much so that they’re willing to change the company name to reflect so…
I hope that CDCK will take a good look at what Facebook is doing, and then do the opposite.
Facebook is not the only one getting involved though.
There will always be a place for writing.
I highly doubt we will somehow enter a new era where none of the human communication is done through words, sentences, and paragraphs!
Hopefully there will be terminals with standards-based browsers in the Metaverse where we can all consume our Discourse forums :).
I guess that could work as a temporary solution…
Pfui. The origin of the metaverse is Snow Crash. Nothing good can come of it. It is just more of the same: Centralized Big Tech control, renting our eyeballs. Encouraging the dehumanization of precious but oblivious souls amusing themselves to death.
That would make for a great dystopian book. Not exactly suitable for this topic though…
The dystopian book was already written in the 20th century. It’s called Snow Crash.
Still, this topic isn’t about science fiction books.
Then I’ll answer your question, @anon73664359. Discourse does not belong in the metaverse.
Why though? Discourse does not invade your privacy. It doesn’t try to control what you see.
I am sorry, but I am closing this topic down for 12 months, if you have any concrete ideas for changes that would enable the “metaverse” feel free to flag to reopen.
Watch this video – Joanna spends 24 hours in the metaverse, for real:
She’s the best.
This topic was automatically opened after 360 days.