Why are old topics closed?

I think sending a list with topics which would have been bumped to an inbox is a good idea. Auto-bump can be very helpful if the whole community can help. But most bumped topics here need someone to mark a post as solution and/or close the topic. Sometimes a community member can add a link to a feature, but someone else still has to close it. If those topics were a few weeks old and did not receive an answer, everyone could help answering them. But answering support questions from 4 years ago doesnā€™t seem that helpful; I donā€™t think the person asking is still waiting for an answer.

It could be interesting to bump old feature topics since topic voting was enabled after they were published. But those would probably have to be tidied up first.


I was wondering if an AI ā€˜feature of the dayā€™ style thing could be a good alternative to that - both as a way to ā€˜bumpā€™ older feature topics, but also as a way to smooth some out as well. If it was in a topic rather than bumping them in Latest it would allow people to watch or mute as the mood took them.

I suppose weā€™ll have to give it a whirl and see what Bert can do. :slight_smile: :crossed_fingers:


Assumed is appropriate when solved but Iā€™ve had issues before, search them, find the topics closed and still need help, IMO closed should be reserved for an offensive post where replies are not desired.

Solved problems can arise again with other users, builds, plug-ins etc

Sure, except typically you want your forum repaired and that would cause delays

This is all well written, tough to argue, however Iā€™ve had to read through long posts before where near the top the solution seems available and then down its found it is not, sometimes never is.

Iā€™d have to say there never a single size fits all solution, but would like to see more options to not close threads, the auto bump is, IMO, for forums with small communities and a need for more to discuss, to maintain life, I doubt its needed at all here.

Therefore aside from offensive posts even solved ones should be allowed to die out on their own.

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I agree with you myself

On the Discourse site where I worked, there was a much higher preference of discussion usually staying in one topic and only open a new one if necessary. We also didnā€™t automatically most close topics when theyā€™re solved - it was mainly for bug reports.

I was mostly just trying to explain the rationale here on Meta ā€“ not necessarily that I agree with it all myself

Yeah I agree that it is too much time to ask - I was trying to phrase a request for moderators here to reopen the topic for you

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