This is context worth understanding:
The question is, should wiki-posts support more article-like features? Why or why not?
@codinghorror your suggestion is practical, but leaves me wanting more. Both as a reader and as a content editor.
Yes, we can split an article into different topics but that doesn’t mean that’s the best solution for readability or ease of editing.
The fact that DiscoTOC - automatic table of contents exists at all (and has 87 like as I type this) is proof enough that Discourse users have a valid use case for wiki-article functionality that extends beyond what the default wiki-post offers.
What is “far more logical” is situational, as is the need for a dynamic TOC.
As a wiki-editor who loves Discourse’s implementation but sees potential in the idea described here, it feels more like I am asking the doctor for an X-Ray because moving my arm naturally is hurting and limiting my ability to function, when it arguably shouldn’t.
In that situation, the advice to “don’t do that” is ignoring a potential solution.