WP as DiscourseConnect client: Signature parse error/Bad signature error (solved)

[Update: Resolved. The secret was set incorrectly in Discourse, due to a double paste. Corrected that, and all is well.]
I’ve set up our Discourse instance as a DiscourseConnect provider and our wordpress site as a DiscourseConnect client

I see " You are connected to Discourse!" in the WP Discourse panel on the WP admin dashboard.

When I go to [wp-site]/wp-admin and click “Login with Discourse” in an incognito window, I’m taken to our discourse site, at an url like https://[redacted].discoursehosting.net/session/sso_provider?sso=[REDACTED]
and see just “Login Error” on the page.

The log in WP shows:

Verbose SSO log: Signature parse error
Bad signature for payload 
sig: aae54653d2f59ab5b8a3373ab8c10582009ce57587cd40078af43e652770dbe0
expected sig: 555bf561f1ceedabe0d8207c0a94e376a199392d81261b8453040bdf336b3fee
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