WYSIWYG Plugin (again)

'would always cause annoying reformatting of markdown."
Gee, that is a seriously odd point to assert, unless you are sure the people working on the project don’t know what they are doing. I just spent several hours study on various WYSIWYG Editors.
Out of the 15 most popular ones used today only one doesn’t support toggling back forth viewing and editing.

I’m designing a prototypal site for a non-profit, scientific community of practice, a new kind thinktank.

Assuming I get this site up and running, We are going to play around stitching various app feature combinations of WordPress/BuddyPress/Koni.Wiki together with Discourse.

After I’m satisfied the community’s needs are being sustainably addressed, the remaining work will be to streamline the code, stripping out features that don’t serve the mission, now or ever.

Then test it to destruction. Rebuild and do it again and again until we have tuning we can provisionally trust.

Anyway, we need standard communication with a WYSIWYG editor because it’s 2016?

I mean I can’t believe it’s a debate. Anyone, paying attention to tech over the past 5 years knows there isn’t a smartphone built that doesn’t have a WYSIWYG text for sms and email and a dozen other apps.

Call me impractical, but I believe a website featuring protracted text entry, should be at least as advanced, as a 5-year-old smartphone.

Side comment: Is Babble Chat ready for prime-time?

This is the project description in Google Drive

In addition to regular correspondence, we need mathematical notation/markup for scientific ideation.
This is the editor I’ve settled on. I have one other programmer onboard and looking for more.

How to?

  1. Swap-out Discourse Native Editor
  2. install and assign CKEditor as default.