XenForo Import Failing (config/application.rb:2)

I think I may be onto something here.

In Step 8 of this tutorial: Importing Xenforo to Discourse , it says to run echo "gem 'mysql2'" >Gemfile

I looked in the Gemfile only to see this in the file:

gem 'mysql2'

So I went to GitHub and got the latest Gemfile and I added the gem 'mysql2' to the file.

Ran bundle install --no-deployment and it installed a BUNCH of stuff (Too many to copy and paste here) (Side note: Do not use tmux and go into the container…it didn’t work at all :stuck_out_tongue: )

But it ended with this:

Bundle complete! 100 Gemfile dependencies, 180 gems now installed.
Gems in the group development were not installed.
Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
Post-install message from certified:
IMPORTANT: Remember to use the included executable `certifed-update` regularly to keep your certificate bundle up to date.

root@titan-app:/var/www/discourse# bundle show railties

That looks good in my eyes.

So it looks like the Step 8 in that tutorial above is incorrect.

But when all seems good in the world, I get this:

root@titan-app:/var/www/discourse# bundle exec script/import_scripts/xenforo.rb
bundler: not executable: script/import_scripts/xenforo.rb

Do I need to chmod +x or something? (I don’t have a lot of experience in Ruby to know lol)

Thanks for all the help so far!

EDIT: Chmod X’d the xenforo.rb and now I’m getting this:

root@titan-app:/var/www/discourse# bundle exec script/import_scripts/xenforo.rb
script/import_scripts/xenforo.rb: 1: script/import_scripts/xenforo.rb: require: not found
script/import_scripts/xenforo.rb: 3: script/import_scripts/xenforo.rb: Syntax error: "(" unexpected