Zeronoise Theme

Is it correct that using this (any) theme disables theme components?

I have the table builder theme component installed, but when I use zeronoise it seems to be disabled.


You would need to attach the theme component to each theme from the component’s setting page. :+1:


Thank you, I did not know that. Pardon the ignorance

EDIT: thank you @JammyDodger that worked

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Hi there all,

I have another question:

How can I hide the shadows / paper moving over background

I understand that this goes against the idea of the theme, I just want to have a look.


This theme looks nice and easy on the eyes. I have suggested this onto the forum that i usually use.

Is it true that on mobile it looks like this?

I have this on two different setups with 2 different color themes

My absolute favorite theme I’ve found but this and many other themes I’ve tried have this weird red issue in mobile please help me fix it! :pray: