Add a "Contact information" on topics

Hello everyone :wave:
I have a rather open question for a rather specific problem

I’m building a disourse for a team of several establishment and each establishmentwill have a topic to present the institution.
I’d like to have the ability to add a “Contact Information” section for each establishment where people could read all the iformations they need to contact the establishment.
It would be cool if you clicked on a button and it opened a window or something similar so that you only find the information if you need it and it doesn’t appear directly.
I think I’m also going to create a topic that includes all the contact information for all the establishment. So if it’s possible to add a “View other contacts” button in the establishment’s window, or at least a link to that topic, that would be perfect.

Do you have an idea for a plugin, theme component or syntax that could help me?
Thanks in advance!

Click on the avatar to bring up the User Card?


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Yes sorry, I misspoke :sweat_smile:, it’s more about establishments than people per se, so there may not be linked accounts for each page, but rather the same person who will have written all the topics.
but thanks a lot,
I’ll keep the idea in mind :+1:

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I reread your Post and I believe you have represented your requirement fairly.

My solution is not perfect, I admit.

If each establishment has a Topic, can’t you put the contact information in the first Post of the Topic in nicely formatted markdown?

What else were you planning to use those Topics for?


The idea is really for each establishment to have its own topic page where I can present the establishment and all the necessary information.
I could very well integrate the contact information at the end or the beginning of each topic but I wanted to know if there was a more aesthetic way of doing it, like for example opening another small window but in the same topic and with the possibility of a link to the topic that summarizes the informations.
I’m aware that what I’m asking for is very specific and that’s why I’m asking for it here, because I don’t know where to look.
I’ll understand if there isn’t really a solution

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You can build anything you like in Discourse, within reason.

I suggest you create a mockup first.

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