"in this topic" search mode is disabled 1 char too early

replication steps:

  1. click on any topic
  2. click the magnifying class at the top right to bring up the search menu
  3. click “in this topic”
  4. type any singular letter
  5. type backspace

the “in this topic” bit will disappear. typing a letter and then erasing it should result in no change.


I get this behaviour too. I don’t use this type of search often I usually search for topics so I’m not sure what is meant to happen. But logically, it would make sense for the search to stay until you want to get rid of it.

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The same happens when you search while looking at your personal message inbox. The message filter also disappears.

Yes this feels like a ux glitch of sorts, agree the behavior is a bit non-intuative.

Flagged this for the member experience to have a look.

Thanks @binarycat :+1:

This will be fixed by :point_down: