Left Sidebar Dropdown (Submenus for categories)


I wonder about the theme setup for left sidebar, is there no way to set the sub-categories as sub-menu under the parent category, I know I can toggle the sub-category inside the the category settings, it get’s two colors icon with the mixed with colors from that sub-category, and the parent category, but honestly members do not get that.

So I wonder is it not possible to customize it with already made component or other solutions?

I would like to make navigation like this image below, but I don’t necessary need them to have some drop-down function (toggle) fixed is okay, just so I can isolate them as sub-categories in the menu would be great!



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Thanks for that.

After I posted this I already came up with a similar solution for custom CSS based on the ID ofc.

li {
  a {
   margin-left: 15px !important;

But I was kind of mind blown that it was not some functionality already implemented in the core system, because you can go to Setting → Navigation and select Dropdown in header menu, would be great to implement that feature later on. :slight_smile: