The "Docs" section doesn't show all available categories & articles

Hi everyone!

First time posting here :slight_smile:

We recently moved our Knowledge Base to the Discourse forum we’ve had for a while. However, the “Docs” section does not show all the available categories nor articles.

But if you click on Categories > Documentation, you see a page with all the categories & articles.

Any idea why this happens, or how to solve it? Thank you in advance!

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So you want to show subcategories in left sidemenu?

You can use this as a starting point, I reckon.

(That would make sidebar quite long for mobiles)

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Hello and welcome @m.fanega :slight_smile:

If you don’t mean the sidebar and are referring to the /docs page, you need to add each category and subcategory to the docs categories admin setting, or include the relevant tags in docs tags.


Hi Jakke! No, I meant showinf the subcategories on the “Docs” page :slight_smile:

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Hi Jammy! Thank you, this is what I meant :slight_smile:
Where can I find this admin setting? I’ve been trying but I can’t find it…


I usually go to /admin/plugins and use the settings link for the plugin. That takes you to:


Searching for “docs” also works quite well, but is less reliable because it depends on the naming of the settings


Thank you, Moin!


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