Native Audio Player that saves a persons spot and can be played when the phone is in their pocket

I think it would be absolutely amazing if there was an audio player sitting in the sidebar with custom playlists, the ability to not lose your place when you return back to a podcast, and the ability to listen while the phone is in your pocket.

We have a financial community with so much video content. We STOPPED using spotify for the audio. It sucks. You lose your spot when you shut it down. It crashes frequently.

Spotify is not a serious feature that works well with Discourse IMHO. Would love a native player.

This is an interesting / particular request indeed however, I can think of many communities I am part of that wouldn’t need this. Perhaps you want a marketplace topic?

I’m not saying you need it. I’m saying I need it and I pay a lot of money to be here. I’m sure other communities who offer similar podcasting/video content could use this as well. Perhaps not you.