Photos are broken for synced posts to Wordpress using WP Discourse

After connecting, the posts go through to my discourse install, however the photos are broken. This is the HTML that they show:

<svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-unlink svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#unlink"></use></svg>

Our posts are using relative urls, so “/wp-content/uploads/” instead of absolute URLs. I wonder if this is causing the issue?

Our site we are testing this with is:, which will have a domain change before moving to production. In case you need to view the pages.

Quick update, I found the issue.

Long story short, I migrated this site from a 35 year old Gossamer Links site… and the import code used relative URLs for the images. When I converted one of the posts to a block based post, and replaced the images… voila it worked.

Leaving the post up in case anyone else searches this issue.

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