Broken image in Discourse (but they work in the message preview)

When I publish a WP post to Discourse, the images won’t show up:

But they do show up in the message preview if I edit the topic.

Saving the edit or rebuilding the message HTML don’t fix it.
Typical HTML of such an image is:

<img class="wp-image-157219 size-full aligncenter" src="égories-e1529598284988.png" alt="" width="400" height="364" />

Any idea?

edit: I may have understood why.
The domain has been locally redirected to the server I’m working on, which is where my WordPress is installed. I did the redirection via the hosts windows file.
But Discourse doesn’t have this redirection, so I guess it has to read these images URLs by itself before somewhat delivering them on the message, and so it can’t find these image?
Not 100% sure this is the cause, but since my website will be launched in a few days, I’ll figure out when the domain will be globally redirected to my server.

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Unfortunately it was not the problem I guess.
The DNS propagation is down, but the issue remains:

Even for images with the proper markdown syntax (see the very first image link):

The topic:

And the WP post: fait peau neuve -

I can be wrong but what I understand here is that images may be loading on a secure site (https) but their links are (http) What I understand from that is the server from where the post is published should be configured to fully support https first.

EDIT: but that doesn’t looks like the case, I visited the site and both WP and Discourse are configured to load over SSL. What needs to be seen is how have you configured Discourse WP plugin.

On the first message they were indeed in http, but I have updated my website shortly after, so as you can see on the second message, they are in https.

Here’s my WP Discourse configuration:

What happens if you try rebuilding the HTML now?

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It doesn’t do anything. :confused:

This does appear to have been the case - posting those URLs on that site in a new message works:


Hummm since I’m here, I’m a bit puzzled as the topic doesn’t appear in its own category:
Here’s the topic: fait peau neuve - Actualités -
Last activity June 19, but I can’t find it here: Actualités -


How does it doesn’t work on this very topic then? Why rebuild the HTML doesn’t work? :confused:
Maybe it’s a server side cache issue?

I see it here:

Strangely it works in a new post: fait peau neuve - numéro 19 - Actualités - (feel free to delete that after you look)

It should have fixed this - please check the logs ( which may show you more details on the error.


Uh… I don’t have it on my list when I’m logged in:

But it appears when I’m logged out. Any idea why?

When I rebuild the HTML, all the pictures appear a split second before transforming into these broken image icons.

I have no output in the error log.

Hi again. So, nobody has an idea of what’s happening here?

11 posts were split to a new topic: Image downloader should be more resilient and possibly slow down

I have a similar issue. Images are just not displayed in the post in Discourse. Only the alt or title values are displayed

WP Post:

Discourse post:

Are you sure the image links are https? This is important if the discourse you are posting on is https.

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I have the same question. Broken image in Discourse ,but they work in the message preview and open correctly when clicked.

Hey there @copymonopoly, are these broken images in posts created by the WP Discourse plugin?

The broken images were originally stored on the server. I have resolved this issue by using migrate_to_S3, but I have encountered a new problem.

This topic is specifically about broken images in posts created by the Wordpress plugin. Please keep your replies in the other topic you created.

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