Some user profiles now email summaries every 30 minutes after update

After updating to the latest release of Discourse, some users have started receiving emails every 30 minutes to an hour:

Looking at the user settings, they appear to have been changed to email every 30 minutes or an hour. I am confident at least one of these users did not make this change themselves. Not all users had this changed. Does anyone have an idea of what’s going on here?

Discourse version: 3.3.0.beta3-dev


It happened to two of my users (at least that’s how many complained).

I have someone who complained that since a few weeks ago users were getting digests for very old posts and that an upgrade soon after the last release seemed to fix it.

It might be worth sharing your exact commit.


I went through users that were emailed recently and also found the same thing. Two users with updated settings to hourly. It looked like it was two fairly active users?

@pfaffman the commit I’m on currently is 581dbca97f

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They weren’t the most active users, and I figured they must have fiddled with their settings since it was just the two of them

I’ve updated to 3.3.0.beta3-dev (0e9451e93f) since and no one’s complained. Not sure what my version was before.

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Yeah I seem to remember that there was a bug introduced ~the week before last which has been fixed now.

Ah yup


Interesting! My interpretation then is that these users maybe did have hourly emails enabled, but the previous setup meant that they’d only get digests when there was new content to share.

With that change, users are now emailed on the digest cycle, even if there’s been no change to the content on the forum, and will stop receiving emails if they visit the site. For example, if a post is made overnight and you have hourly digests, then you’ll get an email an hour until you wake up and check your notifications.

Not sure how I feel about that, but it is definitely logical! Makes a lot more sense if, say, you are only getting a weekly digest. Would be nice to have the ability to configure this - for our site it’d be best to reduce duplicate email noise if we can at all.

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I’ll have a look :thinking:

We shouldn’t be sending any email summaries if there weren’t anything new in <insert frequency> the user picked, even if it’s an absurd “every 30min” or “every hour”.


It’s complicated because sites where people use discourse only via email don’t want to know about 2 year old messages that they haven’t “seen” since they never log in. So for them a post should be “seen” if it’s been emailed to them (or maybe if it’s been sent in a digest?)

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Emphasis mine, and yes, it should indeed be based on when we last sent a digest for people who only use Discourse via email.

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There was indeed an issue with the way we computed the “window” we used to compute the content of the email summaries :man_facepalming:

It will be fixed by :point_down:


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