Activity Summary emails not being sent

Hi, digest emails haven’t been sent from my forum and I’m not too sure why.

Here are my digest email settings:

And when searching “digest” in email logs nothing shows up.

If someone could help with this that would be amazing thanks!

Are there members that haven’t visited the site for a week?

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Yep, definitely over ~50-60 (could be in the 100s) since the forum was first launched

Did you check which frequency they choose in their preferences?
You can also check these conditions:

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Ohh, I created a new account and found that by default this option is turned off?

Is there a way I can have this turned on by default for new users?

The setting is ‘default email digest frequency’. The configuration options are also explained in the Admin guide to Activity Summary emails.

Hmnm but mine is already set to “weekly” as seen in the screenshot attached.

Could there be any other factors affecting this?

Is your forum

I just created an account there and the digest frequency is weekly by default.

Ohhh interesting okay, would it be too much to ask if I could check in with you in a week to see if you received an activity summary email?

I deleted the account after taking the screenshot.

That’s alright, I will test on my end again. Thanks for the help!

I’ve tested with a new account, and no digest emails have been sent despite not being active on the forum for over a week.

Would there be any other possible causes to this?

Nothing shows up in the logs either

Are you sure Admin - Settings - Email - disable digest emails is not checked?
Is digest suppress categories empty?

Hi Richard!

Yep, have made sure those settings are correct.

The settings are the same as the screenshot I uploaded at the start of this thread.

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Apologies, I apparently did not scroll up far enough.