Multiple repeated summary mail entries

My idle test user just received its weekly summary mail and it contains 5 times the same topic (it’s a topic which was edited and pinned a few times, but still it should only show up once, especially if it shows the exact same text not something like “have been pinned” or such.

From the 3 popular posts 2 have been duplicates.

Also the “new for you” table contained a post 3 times:

With that lots of duplication nearly no information was conveyed (even though other posts would have been available) :frowning:

can I add some db query results to guide the troubleshooting in this bug report?


I also excluded a tag, but the preview function still shows me “Popular Post” answers under a topic with an excluded tag. Not sure if this exclude is not working for “Popular posts” or if just the pre-view function is not recalculating the conditions. (I will see in the next mail on Friday:)

Please let me know how I can troubleshoot that a bit better. Are you otherwise happy with the summary mails? odd that I should be the first one to have such problems.

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I’m having the same issue. I have posts repeated 4 times in the same email, and the email header says “4 new topics”


The problem still exists with stable 3.3.0+3 as I just noticed in one of my notification mails.


Thanks folks, we’ll have a look at this.


Cross-linking another recent case of this -


If you have trouble reproducing it and want more details, let me know. I’m not sure if there is a query log somewhere, but if I go to /admin/email/preview-digest the problem is there in the preview.

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I’m not sure if I should post this here or in a new topic, but posts with tags that are in the digest suppress tags list are being featured in the email digest too. The main featured topic at the moment has a suppressed tag on it.

yes confirmed was also the case for me.

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I’m seeing the same behavior: “Popular Posts” and “New for you” topics being repeated.

In this case one Popular Post is tripled, another is doubled:

Self-hosted standard installation here, current at 3.4.0.beta2-dev (f2121cc437).

I see this report dates back to Feb. – anything happening? Any further details I could provide to help?

EDIT: if anything it’s getting worse. I’m now seeing the lead Popular Topic tripled. It’s really not a good look – I’d love some suggestions for pursuing troubleshooting this.


@ecki , @bigfudge , @j127 – are you still having this issue? I’m seeing digests go out looking just ridiculous, and I’m not sure how to draw attention to this report.

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It’s still a problem here.

Yes the problem still exists, I have just upgraded to STABLE * v3.3.1 +5 and the preview mails still show the behavior.

I helped myself by reducing the number of entries in each of the 3 categories (1,0,3), but of course this makes the email less helpful. Its just less embarrassing.