Making 'illegal' content reportable to non-logged in users

Welcome to the community, @reknih! I moved your topic into here because it’s the same conversation.

This is a feature request and a good idea. We don’t have any plans right now to implement it so the answer for the moment is to provide instructions yourself on how to report illegal content. There are a bunch of ways to do this - the easiest probably is to just start a topic and link to it from the navigation. You can also add information to your site description, or edit site texts for e.g. “contact us” on the /about page.

This is an item I will follow up on, and see if there is appetite to make this simple change.

This is a good idea, but it’s not hard to imagine that sites would become inundated with flags unless this is implemented carefully. We have to think like an evil person - how would they abuse this, and what can we do to mitigate the abuse?

How about something like this for v1:

  1. sites opt in via new site setting to enable flagging by non-logged in users
  2. when enabled, flag is shown on posts to non-logged in user
  3. when flag is selected by non-logged in user, the same popup is shown, except with prompt to log in first or to submit without logging in
  4. if user chooses to not log in, they can select a flag and write an explanation as usual, and optionally provide an email address in case they want followup
  5. before submission, they have to verify they are human and reachable by providing an email address that is sent a confirmation link they click on before the report is submitted
  6. report is added to the review queue just like a flag by logged in user

The v0 could at step 4 provide instructions to send report by email to the site contact email address, with a mailto link with some prefilled information including the topic title and URL, reason and explanation.