Including your site in Discourse Discover

:bookmark: This guide explains how to opt-in your Discourse community to be included in Discourse Discover, a new initiative to make Discourse communities more discoverable.

:person_raising_hand: Required user level: Administrator

What is Discourse Discover?

Discourse Discover is a standalone site that makes it easy for anyone to find communities that use Discourse as their platform. It serves as a showcase of unique communities within the Discourse ecosystem, increasing your community’s visibility and allowing others to draw inspiration from the diversity of Discourse-powered sites.

How to join Discourse Discover

Opting in to Discourse Discover is a straightforward process:

  1. Log in to your Discourse site as an administrator.
  2. Go to Admin > Settings.
  3. In the settings search box, type “discover”.
  4. Check the checkbox next to “include in discourse discover”.
  5. Your site will now be eligible for inclusion in Discourse Discover; sites are typically added within a few business days of submission.

Verifying your site’s inclusion

To verify that your site is correctly configured to be included in Discourse Discover, you can check your site’s basic information JSON file:

  1. Add /site/basic-info.json to the end of your site’s URL. For example:
  2. Look for the include_in_discourse_discover field in the JSON response.
  3. Ensure its value is set to true.


  "title": "Your Site Name",
  "description": "Your site description",
  "locale": "en",
  "include_in_discourse_discover": true

Benefits of joining Discourse Discover

By opting into Discourse Discover, you’re:

  1. Increasing your community’s visibility to potential new members.
  2. Joining a showcase of unique Discourse communities.
  3. Contributing to the growth and diversity of the Discourse ecosystem.
  4. Potentially drawing inspiration from other communities within the network.

Privacy and control

When you opt in to Discourse Discover:

  • You’re allowing Discourse to feature your community on the Discover page and in Discourse marketing materials.
  • You will share community metadata and anonymized usage statistics with Discourse.
  • The promotion of communities is at Discourse’s discretion.

Last edited by @JammyDodger 2024-08-21T13:36:23Z

Check documentPerform check on document:

Are there any extra requirements needed for the site inclusion to be approved?
Requirements like -

  • Age of the site
  • The forum’s activities ie how active it is
  • The content visibility to non-users etc

Also, how long does it take for the inclusion requests to be approved?


We generally reserve judgment here, but as a guideline.

  • Sites must be public - content must be visible to the public
  • Site must be active, we don’t want to feature ghost towns it helps nobody
  • Age of site does not matter that much - as long as it was around for say a month so we can assess
  • Inclusion should be “within a few business days”

I have opted into this since day one, and from what I can tell, my site has not been included. Is there a way for me to tell why? From what I can see, I have followed all the needed steps.

It looks like your site doesn’t have much recent activity, so won’t be eligible: