Why is my site not showin up in Discourse Discover (hhf tech)

my forum is not discoverable.
i didn’t knew it. my users told me
HHF Technology Forums - We invite you to dive into discussions, ask questions, and share your insights with fellow members. Your participation enriches our community!

its on only from the beginning i guess i didn’t switch it on.
Let me know if i have to fill in any documentation.

any guidance on this @sam


Odd we are investigating, thanks for raising it.


It looks like your site requires a login to see content which is why it was not accepted into Discover at this time.


Strange if it is the link in the Op when I checked it before I wasn’t asked to sign in or sign up.

Ah okay. I see that page. It is once you attempt to load a topic that pops up.

So imagine the Op may need to create maybe the site News category to not require login to qualify?


Thanks @mae.
Its only for topics, to avoid scrapers (I can’t remove login{login was added few days back only}). all other things are open About - HHF Technology Forums
But anyways thanks for the reply.
I will report back to my users. Problem was they were not able to see on the app. i will make a wrapper for android, for ios i dont know. sad. :frowning:

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thanks @Heliosurge . Discourse open-source is more than enough for me. i am really grateful for this can’t ask anything more. these small things don’t matter.
It came up in a discussion so i asked but can’t remove the login.

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Wasn’t sure. But thought you might be using this Theme component

This TC you can configure what topics)categories trigger it. Just something to consider.as you could have a preview category or public announcement category.

But yes there are indeed benefits with a login required forum.

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Same here and idk why it not was listed yet till now :clown_face: everytime when this happen i’ve send a PM and pray to be listed again.

My instance is public but in the past I used thid component but today is fully public and I’m not listed, Discourse Hub is a false positive to WAF CF n ’ when Under Attack is activated this agent is blocked and I am unlisted again from discover. :frowning:

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If you recently switched back to public. You may just need sometime for it to re-add. As from my understanding it audits the forum for a period of time to access if there is sufficient activity before populating.

One of the team here though can better answer and if need be investigate.

How much I should wait? I send a DM 3 days ago and nothing yet and idk why is unlisted yet because my instance are public since last year but sometimes I need enable Super Fight and Under Attack at cloudflare and this bloock the Discourse Hub Agent for some reason.

Unfortunately that is not a question I can answer. But at a guess maybe 3 days to maybe a week?

Fixed! We’ll look into an issue on our side that caused this problem.