Allow log file for topic and restricted to admin

I am site we want to functionality where only admin can allow uploading log file for specific topic and uploaded log files can be visible to admin only not any user

Can anyone know how to achieve this . any help would be appreciated

What log files are you taking about?

Do you mean upload files with an extension of log? There is a setting for upload files types for admins (or maybe staff).

In our problem , admin should allow user to add log file for specific category . and uploaded log file by user can only be visible to admin .

If you want it to be visible only to admin then they’ll need to send via pm, not a public topic.

Can you pls explain what is mean by send via pm

Apologies for relatively poor image quality but:

You could also enable users being able to message the @admins group.


It means you haven’t ability hide some parts in a post that is visible only for admins. So users must send such information using private messages.

Here is a plugin that allows private posts but if I recall right it is broken.

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What is the maximum file size limit for uploading log files via private messages?

That upload limit you have in settings. On my forum it is 150 MB, but if you haven’t change it it is much more lower, something like 5 MB — I really don’t remember.

But 1 MB big log file is… one awful long log.


can you pls tell how to change file size

Upload limit? Open app.yml and change value of upload_size. Rebuild after that.


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Here is a plugin for Private topics. Where you configure a group that can see the topics. Only the Op and configured group can see the topic. Group in your case “admin” can view all topics.

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