Dare I ask for an ETA? I.e when this plugin will be considered less experimental and more in a beta, or perhaps even early release candidate stage? I know how hard it is to predict the future, so I’ll be happy with any rough estimate, however inaccurate it may be.
I’m currently exploring Discourse as a tool at work, exactly because it seems to be able to offer a good mix of community discussions and a shared and space for documentation. Where it is as easy to write documentation as it is posting a comment on a topic.
So, the wiki topic feature by itself is neat of course, that’s a great start. This plugin though, it adds cohesion to the content of the topics, which I believe is essential for the user experience of documentation.
The Documentation category on meta.discourse.org now feel like a proper structured documentation site, rather than just some random forum topics that happen to share a category and happen to describe how Discourse works.
So, keep up the good work. Thanks!