Breadcrumb Links

@denvergeeks I have a skeleton setup for a breadcrumbs component here: Manuel Kostka / Discourse / Components / Breadcrumbs · GitLab.

The approach is based on code from the central theme that adds breadcrumbs to some views that don’t show the default drop-downs (discourse-central-theme/javascripts/discourse/connectors/above-main-container/breadcrumbs.gjs at main · discourse/discourse-central-theme · GitHub).

I just re-factored this code for now so that the template follows BEM for styles and is more customizable in general. Also added categories. It won’t render nested categories, or on tag lists or other views for now.

I don’t have immediate plans to work more on this. But I think this is generally a more performant and modern approach, as it doesn’t make ajax calls and is built as a glimmer template. If you feel like, just have a look or give it a try extending it :wink: