"Your Efforts Are Paying Off"

I recently got some feedback from a member. They’d flagged a post as trolling (it was), and the trolling post was immediately hidden so it didn’t derail the topic.
After I reviewed and approved the flag and warned the troll, I sent them a message to thank them. This was their reply:

Since you rolled out the new format I’ve noticed an improvement with decreased trolling, turn over in who is participating and some new folks with fresh points of view who want to exchange ideas. I think your efforts are paying off!

I migrated the community to Discourse this past spring because of features like this. It’s an old community, and for the past few years we’ve been struggling to break and reverse the cycle of evaporative cooling. It’s a slow change, but it really seems to be helping (I’ve noticed it too).

But all I did was follow the setup instructions, their feedback should really be directed at the people that made that possible. So to the team at @Discourse: thank you, your efforts are paying off!