Implement the discourse forum in the laravel 11 project

i want to implement the discourse forum in my laravel 11 project how i can do it what should i need to get it from admin and set up in my laravel project can anyone told me

That’s not going to work.

Discourse is on a completely different tech stack.

Some people have managed to use Discourse in an iFrame, but generally that’s not recommended.

Usually you put Discourse on a subdomain and can link User accounts using SSO.


You can run Discourse in a subfolder and set up single sign on between your Laravel application and Discourse using the spinen/laravel-discourse-sso PHP package.

If you replicate the header between your Laravel app and Discourse and use the same colors and fonts you can make this nearly seamless, especially if you implement some Javascript in your Laravel app to pull the notifications from Discourse.


Hi Discourse Team,

Currently the site is hosted by the Discourse ,how i can change the root domain name to to implement the discourse in my project, i have try to do the change domain in the admin but it is saying that to ask the this support please give me the path to change it.


If it tells you to contact support then you should contact support.

Note: I’m not support :wink:
Note: That’s not a subfolder, that’s a subdomain. A subfolder will be


when i click on my community login button then it is redirecting to my discourse connect url ,that is fine ,and in my discourse connect url method i am getting sso and sig but how i can authenticate my users, because in the request i am only getting the sso and sig how i can get my user detail ,can anyone help me to get it done.