Error during permanently deleting a post of a deleted user

I’ve enabled the Permanently Delete functionality as described in “Introducing permanently delete post functionality”.

I have a spam post in a topic. I’ve deleted the spam user and soft-deleted the spam post some months ago.

Today I enabled and then applied the Permanently Delete option to this spam post.

When pressing the Permanent Delete option on that post, after confirming, I get this message box (German forum):

The German text reads:

Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten: Du hast bei der Anfrage ungültige Parameter angegeben: user_id

Translated to English:

An error has occurred: You provided invalid parameters in the request: user_id

After clicking “OK” the post is gone, so it seems that it actually has been deleted, despite the error message.

I would feel better if the permanent deletion would work even on posts that were done by already deleted users.

My question

Is there anything I might have done wrong?

My guess is that it’s a bug and somehow it’s passing or otherwise referring to the user that’s been deleted already.

It’s easiest to ignore it though it soult be possible to destroy the post from rails.


Yes, there was a bug and it has been fixed in this PR:

The problem should be resolved as soon as the fix is merged.