Issue with enabling AI for the Discourse Ask AI theme

I’m having trouble with this. I’m using the Ask Discourse Theme, and I’ve enabled the AI plugin and configured the AI settings. However, it’s still not working when I input the query just similar as Here’s the affected site:

While the Ask theme is open source, like most things we do, it is not (yet) an official theme we created for people to re-use in their personal websites, as the Ask site is still in it’s early days and under constant iteration.

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ok thanks!

A big piece here is that the theme relies on users being logged in.

Communicating with AI as anonymous comes with extreme amount of risk you need to mitigate, you have nobody to monitor or ban if they get out of control.

To achieve that on ask we force login on the site and authenticate via using discourse connect.

I would be happy to have a quick look at your site once you have that configured. I think the ask use case is super compelling.


Just did that , but they seem to be an error ,

You need to only allow logged on users on that site

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I’ve already tried that, but it doesn’t seem to be working. Could you please provide a guide or help me identify what I might be doing wrong? Thank you.

To allow only logged-in users on the site, you need to enable the login required site setting.

As at this moment I am logged out already, and can’t even log in myself

You can use /u/admin-login

Just logged in, and I also just enabled the login required

Same error, when clicked on login

I’m not sure that configuring SSO with Meta is the best solution for your use case. It makes sense for ask.discourse, where users can benefit from having a unified account. However, I’m not convinced that it’s necessary for your users to create an account here.

oh that was a test, just changed it. but please its not working . when user are logged in on then visting should logged them directly to Naliss AI