Seeking Guidance on Backup Verification and Site Mirroring

I have my site doing daily backups to Google which is working without issue. I am yet to attempt restoring to validate this works correctly fearing it goes awry. I do not have skills with saving my site database and files like other WordPress and other software which is a breeze to manually restore files if needed. If I mess up my site which for me was a considerably effort to figure out how to setup, i am dead in water. Also first docker deployment I’ve done. I’m on mid level dedicated server.

2 things I could use guidance for is how to safely check the restore process. If this is even possible.

2nd thought is if I obtain a hosted instance from Discourse can I mirror my live site there and test backups and risky stuff. Not sure how that would work.

Ideally, I would like another disk for snapshots but not possible with server deal I have.

Thanks for any tips

Just set up another server, upload the backup (or configure your yml so that it access the same S3 bucket) and restore.

You can delete the server after your see that the backup works as expected


Thanks Jay. Seems simple.