After the update( 3.5.0.beta2-dev), numerous theme component functionalities have become nonoperative, such as the “Search Banner,” and the “Update” option has vanished from the administrator settings interface.
The search banner has ceased to function.
There was once an option to update Discourse, which has since vanished. I am now at a loss as to where to perform the update, and can only do so by accessing the server directly.
The post preview has disappeared.
The category icon theme component has failed.
The tag icon theme component has failed.
Do you see any error as admin on the interface?
Can you look at the browser’s console?
This might be related (but it’s likely not the case)
Do you mean the “Update Discourse” link?
The search banner has ceased to function.
There was once an option to update Discourse, which has since vanished. I am now at a loss as to where to perform the update, and can only do so by accessing the server directly.
The post preview has disappeared.
The category icon theme component has failed.
The tag icon theme component has failed.
1 Like
Thanks for the details!
If you go into safe mode and disable the plugins, it seems the TCs are back:
For example:
I see the banner as well.
Looking at the browser’s console, I see an error with the plugin Discourse Events:
Uncaught Error: Could not find module `discourse/mixins/singleton` imported from `discourse/plugins/discourse-events/discourse/models/provider`
at loader.js:247:1
at h (loader.js:258:1)
at u.findDeps (loader.js:168:1)
at h (loader.js:262:1)
at u.findDeps (loader.js:168:1)
at h (loader.js:262:1)
at requireModule (loader.js:24:1)
at y (app.js:170:18)
at b (app.js:193:19)
at app.js:156:29
at g.start (app.js:167:1)
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (start-app.js:5:7)
at discourse-boot.js:13:12
at discourse-boot.js:1:1
Can you try to disable it from the admin settings and reload the page to see if it helps?
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Goodness gracious, you have pinpointed the issue with precision! After disabling the discourse-events plugin, everything returned to normal. It appears that this plugin has a severe bug in its latest version, which led to these malfunctions.
Many thanks for your assistance!
You’re welcome! I reported the problem here: Events Plugin 📅 - #869 by Arkshine.