Is there a way to automatically expand the reply composer box by default?

While I appreciate the default size of the box, I’m always expanding it, and some of my users have asked if there’s a way to automatically expand it by default. I can’t find an option in the admin that seems to allow for it. Is there an easy way to make it auto-expanded? (And by preference, to still have the button to contract it if someone wants)


There are theme components that can do it but I can’t remember which ones. @Designers might know.


This theme component is a pretty good solution


It doesn’t appear to do what I’m looking for, but you’ve pointed me in the direction in which to look. I’ll poke around components and see if I can find anything there.

Thank you both for the warm welcome and quick help! I have to admit that I have instantly fallen in love with Discourse.

I’ve hosted the International Simutrans Forum for nearly 25 years on SMF, and I’m trying to see if I can get us moved over to simutrans [dot] forum (not linking as I don’t mean to advertise lol). But I also set up another discourse instance already for friends and family that I’m going to be building out…

The features of Discourse are just absolutely stunning. You had me at Markdown support - it’s one thing I grew to love from reddit - but all the fancy stuff like pasting things and it just working… amazing.

Sorry to babble at y’all, but it’s just awesome. :slight_smile:


I already had some idea of how to do this in a theme component, if you’d like to try it out:

There are a couple settings in there:

  • one to disable auto-fullscreen for new topics (because it hides the title and category inputs)

  • one to make the composer full-height on open, but not enter fullscreen mode

Install a theme or theme component



Wow. Thank you.

And I’m so new that I could even barely phrase what I was wanting to find, and you not only provided what was asked, but by toggling the two default options it gave me exactly what I was actually wanting/hoping to find.

I am absolutely blown away.

I am apeechless, but thankful. <3


For what is worth, on desktop Discourse already remembers the last editor height manually set by the user. In principle, every time you reply to a comment, the height of the editor should be the same than the previous time.

However, if the user sets the editor to full-screen, it seems that Discourse won’t remember it next time. @awesomerobot Maybe a logical (no idea how simple) solution would be to add fullscreen as an option to be remembered by the editor?


Ah. I hadn’t discovered expanding it by dragging the bar, only using the icon to make it full-screen.

I can’t wait to figure out what other clever thought has gone into other little pieces of the design, though, considering that attention to detail — as well as to the effort for things like pasting a URL in the subject line and seeing it grab the page’s title to replace, and stick a onebox down in the body. That’s… that’s Cadillac service. :slight_smile:


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