Increase height of reply box?


I wonder if it is possible to increase the height of reply box by standard?

I know that it is possible to increase the height by dragging the box upwards and that it will automatically remember that til next reply but I am curious as to if it is possible to increase the height a bit by standard?

The solutions I have found so far has increased the height of the reply box completely or made it fullscreen. In my case I would need to increase it a bit by default.

Is there some component, HTML/CSS that would be possible to increase the height by default of the reply box?

Best regards

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You could just add the css that would increase it. Chrome now has an ai assistant that will likely help you figure out what to add them you can just create a theme component in the ux and paste in a couple lines of css.

But you should ignore what I said.

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The composer is a special case.
Adding CSS (min-height or height) will overwrite the dynamic height when dragging the box upward/downward.

To set the initial composer height, you can use the following CSS:

:root {
    --reply-composer-height: 255px;     // Reply
    --new-topic-composer-height: 400px; // New topic

EDIT: I made a guide:


That is great thank you Arkshine just what I was looking for