Post Edits Two Wrenches, Two Features

Hi there,

It occurs to me that Im constantly confused with the amount of editing features available.

When editing a topic, I can see TWO Wrenches. But both show different features.
Is there a way how we can merge and simplify those?

Hi @kOS :wave:

Can you share what exactly confuses you between the two wrenches? They aren’t editing features per se? They are (as I see it for the most part) moderation features.

I’m sorry if it looks like I’m preaching to the converted here… :sweat_smile:. The easiest way to remember what each wrench controls is by the placement.

The :wrench: on a post is for posts. For example adding staff colour to a post
The :wrench: in the topic is for actions surrounding the whole topic instead of a certain post. For example, unlisting.

Unless you are referring to:

  • the pencil icon (on the post)
  • make wiki (in post admin actions)
  • enable shared edits (in post admin actions)

All of these do slightly different things (one is a plugin) You can read more below:

Each admin wrench (post & topic) serve a specific purpose so in my opinion it would be a bad idea to merge them together.


The one on the top right and at the bottom of each topic page is the topic admin wrench. it allows you staff functions on the topic.

While the wrench below each post is the post admin wrench - for staff functions specific to posts only.

Combining the two doesn’t really make sense. I think what is confusing you is that they are both wrenches and expect the same menu; the wrench is a generally universal admin function icon we use in other places, like for category admin on category pages, user account admin on profiles, for example.

Perhaps just think of the wrench as an admin button for any part of Discourse, so when you see it, you know you can change something about that section or perform staff-only related functions.