401 Unauthorized Error after Login


I am experiencing a persistent 401 Unauthorized error when attempting to access the UI. This error occurs after a user has been logged in for approximately 20-30 minutes. Additionally, there seems to be a 5-10 minute delay before being able to log in again after the session times out.

Steps to Reproduce:

  • Log in to the application.
  • Access the UI after 20-30 minutes of inactivity.
  • Observe the 401 Unauthorized error.

Expected Behavior:
The user should remain authenticated and be able to access the UI without encountering a 401 error.

Actual Behavior:
After 20-30 minutes, the application returns a 401 Unauthorized error for the requested endpoint.

Additional Information:

I have implemented auth_digest_timeout in the NGINX configuration, but the issue persists.
Used curl for testing authentication, which initially succeeded but eventually returns a 401 error after the timeout.

NGINX version: 1.25.4

curl -v --digest -u admin:admin

Is this a standard install?

That looks like an nginx error. Nginx does not do authentication in discourse.

Are you running a reverse proxy? Cloudflare?

Iā€™m fairly certain that something other than discourse is causing that message.

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