429 Error could use a better description

The 429 error could use a better description; most users will have probably have no idea what this means and might think there’s a bug on the site. Something along the lines of ‘You’re going too fast - please try again in a few seconds’ would already help.

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The 429 means there’s a rate limit but it’s not always the same rate limit. I would happily merge a more vague description though.


@bartv can you tell me where that exact message showed up?

Yeah true. I think my main concern is just that users think there’s something wrong with the site.

I was rapidly posting a bunch of messages. It’s not unexpected behavior of the site, I understand where it’s coming from.

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Just wanted to know it so I know where to look :slight_smile:


Hmm… Cannot reproduce the error. It shows correctly on my installation.



@bartv can you provide me with some steps on how to reproduce the issue?

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Perhaps it’s because I’m admin - could it be that I hit an nginx rate limit instead of an app/role-based limit? I had opened 20+ messages in tabs, and quickly replied to all of them with the same message. This triggered the error.


Tried it on a lot of different ways to get that error, but the “worst” errors I was able to get were these:


But even that error tells the users what’s going on.


Unless this is easily reproducible, I consider that message “good enough” for weird edge cases.