It used to work before on port 80 with my other website. I don’t remember how I set it up exactly but now I follow guide to setup Let’s encrypt and it only make change to like 3 line and when I run ./launcher rebuild app, I got errors saying that the 443 is already in use???
From google result, they require to turn off that 443 but that 443 is already serve by my main website. Like I’ve mentioned, I used to get the port 80 errors before the let’s encrypt and I don’t remember what I’m doing to fix the problem with dicourse + my website.
Then what should I do? I’m not a sysadmin and even trying to find result on google is hard because half of what I found is not understandable. I know I need to add something to my nginx discourse block.
What tutorial can you point me to? Or is there a way to bind it to other port or do something else?
If you wondering what message I got, it’s 502 bad gate way.
We’re a startup and hiring someone with good knowledge of Linux but it’s hard to find so as a Developer, I need configure server myself to get thing up and running as soon as possible.