502 Bad Gateway and Discourse version NOT FOUND

I’ve followed instructions to install Discourse on Centos 7

I set up email correctly and got a test email. But I always get 502 Bad Gateway.

I previously had an issue with ssl_stapling that I resolved by including the full chain cert file.

I see the docker app listening on custom defined port 25654:>80/tcp, :::25654->80/tcp

I get these nginx errors that I think are caused by discourse app not listening.

connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client: x.x.x.x, server: xxxx, request: “GET / HTTP/2.0”, upstream: “http://x.x.x.x:25654/”, host: “xxxx”

I have DNS entries that point both [MY_DOMAIN].net and discourse.[MY_DOMAIN].net to the right IP address.

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Welcome to the Meta Discourse Community :slightly_smiling_face:

I often help out with SSL installation issues in the Let’s Encrypt Community. One thing I noticed is that your second server block is missing the IPv6 listen statement:

listen [::]:443 ssl http2;

Without that, I’m not sure where your IPv6 traffic would end up.


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Thanks very much, Jonathan. This solved the issue of connection refused.

Now when I try my discourse URL I get redirected to the “Welcome to CentOS” and I have the following error log.

Discourse doctor still says version NOT FOUND.

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I see using netstat that I have two docker-proxy processes on port 25654, one for tcp and one for tcp6. I wonder if this is a problem because I don’t see this in other tutorials’ screenshots.

Because Centos seems to require a different setup I followed the nginx settings in this tutorial:

I also made some additional changes to app.yml and nginx conf that I saw in this tutorial because I want to have my MYDOMAIN.net and discourse.MYDOMAIN.net run on the same machine through nginx:

For instance I have the web socket template activated.

But now I read in a comment on that tutorial that if you use the socket then you must comment out all exposed ports, though going by the first config added an entry for “25654:80” so that it listens for the traffix forwarded to 25654 by nginx.

Apologies if this is a basic setup issue, port forwarding/sockets and network setup in general are not my strength.

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Those are advanced setups. For people not experienced with setting up reverse proxies and managing docker we recommend following our only official Discourse Standard Installation. That does assume a brand new server and that Discourse is the only web app in there.